

If you are a business owner with three to nine locations you may want to consider our United Mini Cloud for your business.

Many business owners are getting confused as to the best way for them to control inventory, and company records. There are many choices when using the cloud for your records.

Some businesses want to keep control of sales so they can monitor inventory and employee theft. The cost of servers and availabile software to control business expecially if you are an investor or a partner in many locations is very reasonable for small to medium size operators.

Our United Mini Cloud system has two separate servers that are kept in two separate locations where you can print out your reports every day for backup. You can also put your monthly records on a CD that is low cost and easy to store your records for future use if needed. This information on the CD can be given to your book keeper or accounting firm to work from. Sales tax is different in different states and some cities and counties have added their own sales tax. CD's stored in a safe place are protected from any type of computer problems and can be reproduced very easily.

The United servers will poll all your locations every night to get their days sales. At the end of the month, these records can be used for figuring your sales tax for each location. The monthly report can be used to control inventory and create a profit and loss report for every location.

United Cash Register & Computer Company
71 Wells Street, Fox Lake, IL. 60020